Request a Consultation
A Motorworks Restoration represents experience. From floor pans to heater channels, quarter panels to front clips, Motorworks Restorations can tailor the job to fit your needs.
We offer 100% complete "body off" restorations: stock or custom, body and paint, renewal of all rubber and glass, and individual restoration on special parts. We recognize that people prefer to restore a car to their own specifications and taste. We also realize that some like to restore their car one step at a time. We will meet your desires.
An Affordable Partial Restoration (APR) of your air-cooled VW is another one of our unique services. For those who want a safe, good looking daily driver without a complete "body off" restoration, our APRs may be just what you are looking for.
In order to make an informed decision about your project, we require a consultation with you either in person or by phone. During the consultation we will review with you the history and details of your project, explore your goals and dreams, and discuss the best restoration process for your specific vehicle. During the consultation we will also provide you with a broad range of options and potential budgets. Since each project is unique and MUST meet your specific goals, we do NOT provide a written estimate. Based on experience and our successful history with hundreds of projects, we assure you that you will be able to make an informed decision based on this consultation.
In order to set up a consultation, please fill out the entire form below and submit it. As soon as one of our owners has the opportunity to review the details, you will receive an email with several suggested times available for a personal consultation.
Mobile devices not recommended.
If preferred, please download this checklist and send it to us for a preliminary consultation.